Wednesday, December 21, 2011


After 3 flights, 1 mad airport dash, 6 dubious looking  plane meals, 1 taxi journey, and 17 hours travelling, we finally arrived in Rwanda.  Ok, so we may have lost all our baggage, apparently it’s just the norm, but we had the clothes we stood up in literally.  Indeed, we felt like the lowly neighbours arriving from foreign lands. 

Our first day was spent in a tangle of noise, unaccustomed heat, Fanta induced highs and sleep deprived lows.  No bags, low spirits, but soon lifted by cheery smiles and waving children.

On our second day we explored Tricia’s home town Gitarama; visiting the organised chaos of the market.  With sewing machines; row upon on row of clitter clattering away.  Stalls adorned with sumptuous fabrics more colours than you’d find in Mr Benn’s tailor shop.  Alleys of trainers, sandles, converse, lace ups, all strung up and squeezed into the narrow walk ways of Gitamara’s jam packed market. There’s fruit stalls featuring avocados the size of cannon balls, fists of bananas like chubby gorilla fingers.  All tropical fruits spilling out of baskets and already ripening in the morning sun.

After an entertaining lunch including a fruit salad that turned out to be a plate of chips (obviously!) we winded our way through back streets led by the encouraging shouts of local children.  Guided by giggles we stumbled upon the most ingenious clay creations since the Ancient Greek potters took to the wheel.  The local kids had carved cameras out of clay and glass so authentic looking that they gave Nikon a run for their money!

So here’s a picture of the resourceful Rwandans taking a picture of me (perfect sense!).

The reason for this adventure was to seek out a school in Tricia's sector.  Unfortunately for us it was school holidays (hence the camera making) but fortunately as we are such celebrities the kids were all about us and so we played some games including "heads, shoulders, knees and toes" (will upload the video once we get home).

And finally this would be a John and Cat holiday without a bit of Co-op spotting...

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